6 Years!

I have always been a sensitive soul. And as the stars are hung in the nighttime sky, so too is empathy hung deep within the heart of mine. Today we celebrate 6 years post-transplant! My heart rejoices that I get to live out these days with my best friend! I praise God that we can still dream together and do this thing called life together. While I rejoice daily for this man in front of me, I am also sensitive to the stories of others who have had a different ending. Jeff lives with “survivor’s guilt” and often questions why God spared his life and not others. And we question why my Dad had to be taken from us all too soon. These questions and more I can’t answer. But what I do know is that each day is a gift. This man in front of me is a gift. (“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12)

So today, I will embrace another trip around the sun with this man. Today I will celebrate another chance at life. And today I am reminded how fragile life is, how precious it is, and how it can change in an instant. I will mourn with those who mourn, but I will also rejoice with those who rejoice. This day I choose joy in my empathetic heart and rejoice in this wild ride we call life.

Update on us: We are overall doing well! As life does, challenges come and go, but we remain thankful for today and for each other. We have recently learned that Jeff’s ear is stable and we are able to post-pone surgery for now. We will be headed to Nebraska in the coming weeks for follow-up care. While Jeff continues to have lots of appointments for continued care, he has been able to do some woodworking! As for our family-building efforts, I have experienced another miscarriage recently. We continue to press on in faith that we will have a baby one day. But for now, we are thankful for today and that we have each other.

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