Nebraska Follow-Up

We recently returned home to Indiana from Nebraska for another round of follow-ups. We were very excited to hear that our mode of transportation would be private flights! Thank you LifeLine Pilots! We are truly humbled by such a wonderful organization! I am happy to report that overall, Jeff’s follow-ups went well! The chemo and brain radiation he received in 2014 & 2015 were more than unkind to his body. While the radiation and chemo killed the cancerous cells, the long-term side effects live on. We learned as we suspected, that Jeff will need extensive ear surgery. The brain radiation has permanently damaged his inner ear and hearing (among other things). Currently, he is battling an infection, where he might need a PICC Line again for IV antibiotics. We are praying to at least bypass the PICC Line. The surgery is risky and one to consider with caution. Right now we are gathering facts and talking with the experts to learn what is the best route to go.

Otherwise, Jeff remains positive and upbeat (despite the ongoing allergies, medications, appointments, etc.). He continues to pursue his woodworking endeavors (Hockett Handcrafts), as he has such talent and creativity! I continue to work with families going through transplants and I am so appreciative of my job!

As for our family-building pursuits, we have also had quite a journey in this department as well. Lots of tears, procedures, prayers, appointments. But as we keep learning, through each trial, we are made stronger. We have learned a lot and have gained more appreciation for life’s blessings.

And lastly, as we begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel with COVID-19, we are looking forward to opportunities to share our journey in group gatherings. (If you are interested in having us speak at an event, please contact me!)

Thank you for your prayers!

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” James 1:2-3

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